Friday, April 25, 2008

All the Goss...

Yes well i know its been almost a year since i posted, which is really slack of me because so much has happened in that time! The main ones being Randall and I bought a block of land (they haven't started building yet tho, but we are signed up!) got engaged, moved in together, and found out we were pregnant! I'm due Sept 3rd. In this photo i was 19 weeks, i'm now 21 weeks. In the scan photo bub was 19 weeks incubated. We haven't made any firm plans for a wedding yet, it will happen, but with the house and bub its on hold at the moment.
Also Mum and Dad have moved to the UAE and are working in a college there. Darius and Kristi are still in New York, Kristi is studying and Darius is working too much as per normal :) Sean, Leanne, Jasmine and Tamika are all well, we try and catch up with them every couple of weeks which is great. As stated in a previous post i tend to use facebook more these days, so sorry if you're not catching up with all the goss. Would love to catch up sometime! L.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Facebook and more

As you might have gathered, i have been using an alternative method for keeping in contact with people, it is facebook. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, log onto You can generate a profile, search for friends / family and keep in contact. I have found a friend from primary school in Brunei, lots of Annesley girls, as well as family. If you sign up, look me up!

Other than that i have joined another gym, and attempting to go 3 times a week. I keep ending up with sore muscles, but hopefully that will pass. Those cycle classes are nasty though, i ended up with quite a large bruise on my leg when my foot slipped out the pedal!

Randall and I are going really well, we are trying to get out and about, and yesterday went walking at Morialta. Big steep hill / mountain we walked up, but the view was worth it at the top (or so i keep telling myself!). I was lucky to catch up with Chris and Donna at Debs 30th and Chris, Donna, Milly, Sean, Leanne, Jasmine and Tamika at the zoo last weekend. Randall has the photos, and once i get my hands on them i'll put some on here or facebook.

I'm still doing my masters, have finished Marketing and now i'm doing a HR subject called Leading and managing people. The lecturer certainly has a direct style of teaching, but only 8 weeks to go. I hope to finish early 2009. It seems like a lifetime away now, but i'm sure it will pass quickly.

That's about it for me for now, i'm off to play netball, which will be a challenge as my muscles are already sore! Oh well, now if only i could stop eating chocolate i'd be quite healthy..... hehe

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pure Profile....

I've been using Pure Profile for a while now, and thought you might like to share the fun. Basically its online surveys about anything and everything. Your time isn't wasted though, the more you do, the more you earn. You then convert it to cash, petrol vouchers, cds or give to charity. New link on the side for you (will link directly to my refer a friend page, and if you sign up will earn me cash).

Saturday, June 09, 2007


That comment re Randall might have confused some people. We are back together. Yes things are different and no we're not moving back in together at this stage (2 most commonly asked questions). We will at least see out our current leases (till March next year) before taking the plunge, again.
What NOT to do home alone on a Saturday Evening...
Well you see, Randall was out seeing friends, so I had a saturday night to myself. After failing miserably at Singstar Rock, I thought i'd watch a movie. Saw III to be precise. Quite good if you're into that horror/thriller/scaring the pants off you kinda thing. I was about 45 minutes in when I hear and almighty BANG and SMASH from my dining room, only metres from where i'm sitting. After jumping a mile, and attempting to stop the dvd (all i managed to do was turn the telly off but anyway), then finding a light switch as you have to watch scary movies loud and in the dark, i saw what had happened. I have a buffet under the aircon, and for some reason the front of it had decided to fall off, knocking candles and such off. I had an oil burner (thankfully not lit!) on there too, and miracously the glass bit jumped off the buffet and landed by the fridge unscaved. So aside from the water everywhere and an apparently broken aircon/heater, I sat and watched the rest of the movie with the light on!

Friday, May 25, 2007

What have i been up to?

Ok ok I know some time has passed since i last blogged. In that time mum has come and visited rainy ole Adelaide, i put my back out and couldn't walk (until Archaedy my wonderful chiro fixed me up), i'm studying my Marketing subject, Ten and Tom had their engagement party and i'm back to netball! The photos are my fat cat oscar (yes i know he needs to go a bigger diet than he alredy is!), the sofa bed for those of you who would like to come and stay, and a photo of a photo from the engagement party.

Yes i know it's sad being home on a Friday night well supposedly studying, but these things must be done!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Darius, this photo is for you. This is the Boston Banoffee pie I made, well what's left of it anyway. Mmmm caramel, cream and banana and chocolate, what more could you want? 4 girls could only manage that small bit of pie, i'll have to send some over for you ;)
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The Bachelorette Pad

Well as promised here are a few photos of my new Bachelorette pad. We have the hallway, bathroom, outside (which includes a pergola, line, and shed), the front of the unit, the lounge, the lounge, the dining room, kitchen and my room. I also have a second bedroom which is my study. I have ordered a sofa bed so any visitors that want to come stay are welcome! Easter was a bit lonely, but now i'm back at uni I don't have too much spare time on my hands. I'm going to try the theory of if i'm bored i go to the gym. So i'll either end up really fit, or getting lots done!

I'd also like to say a big welcome to Mikayla Olivia, Alex and Sheree's second daughter born on Thursday. Mum and Bub are doing well, as are Jacinta and Alex.

Now i'm back in the land of blog and the world wide web, feel free to chat online on messenger. I'd love to hear from you! (plus it will save me going to the gym =p)
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back Online!

Well i didn't last long, i'm back online. I'm really enjoying my new place. I signed up for a home phone yesterday and dialup today. So sorry i can't really skype, but can chat via messenger. I'll try and take some photos over the weekend so you can see where i live now!

As to other things in my life, i'm back at uni tomorrow night, keeping myself busy with catching up with friends, and doing lots of relaxing too.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe easter!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Life moves on....

Well this week brings a new chapter to Laura's Life. Randall and I have decided to go our separate ways. He moved to his new place last weekend, and I'm moving to mine this Friday/Saturday (if anyone wants to help feel free to give me a call!). I have an exam tonight for uni, then i have to pack everything and move in the next couple of days. Luckily the owner of my current place wants to increase the rent so we haven't had to pay break lease fees. I am looking forward to spending time by myself, i've never really done that before. I have a cute 2 bedroom place, with floating floors in the dining, kitchen and hallway, and carpet for the lounge and bedrooms. It's close to shops, not too far from town, and closer to work and most of my friends (unfortunately further away from Sean and Leanne though :( ). I won't be getting a phone or the internet straight away, so please bear with me if I don't post for a while. Please still leave comments, i can check them at work, just not really upload photos. As soon i get the internet again I promise i'll post some photos of my new bachelorette pad.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


For those of you who don't know, the World Police and Fire Games is currently being held in Adelaide. I signed up to be a volunteer. After numerous hours lining up to have my photo taken for my accreditation the other week, and confusion as to what time i had to be there, my event was tug o war last saturday. So aside from getting to Glenelg at 7am on a saturday, and helping set up, score and time, i got to watch lots of guys (and some girls) play tug o war. In the photos i have the SA MFS, CFS boys, UK Revenue and Customs, then the Malaysian Police. Unfortunately no aussie teams won any medals. UK Revenue and customs won most of their categories, the Pommy bobbys did well too. The Malaysian police were so strong, they would have done really well but kept getting disqualified for sitting on the ground! I learnt a lot on my day doing Tug O War, i didn't realise there were special boots (they look like ski boots), hand stuff (petrol and resin i believe to keep your grip on the rope), and so many teams that competed! I even got some badges given to me from the Taiwanese group.

Friday, March 09, 2007

AbsintheSyringe: Top mobile games (free download)

I was looking for games for my phone (SE w810i) and came across this site. I'm still working out how to get them onto my phone, but if you want worms, sims2, tony hawk, need for speed and others check it out!

AbsintheSyringe: Top mobile games (free download)